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Hcg Diet Food List Phase 1

The original protocol specifies a very specific Hcg Diet foods list for Phase 2, the weight loss phase. This includes lean proteins, vegetables, fruit and carefully selected grain options.

This page includes the correct list of approved foods.

The HCG Diet Food List


  • Tea
  • Coffee
  • Water
  • 1 Tbs milk daily


  • Saccharin
  • Stevia


  • veal
  • beef
  • chicken breast
  • fresh white fish
  • lobster
  • crab
  • shrimp


  • spinach
  • chard
  • chicory
  • beet-greens
  • green salad (mixed)
  • tomatoes
  • celery
  • fennel
  • onions
  • red radishes
  • cucumbers
  • asparagus
  • cabbage


  • 1 apple
  • 1 orange
  • 1 handful of strawberries (approximately 4/5 strawberries)
  • 1/2 grapefruit


  • 1 Grissini breadstick or 1 melba toast*

This food list is intended to be eaten according to the original protocol's 500 calorie menu:

  • Breakfast: Coffee or tea
  • Lunch: 1 protein: 100 grams/ 3.5 ounces of meats from the food list below. 1 vegetable: 3.5 ounces or 1 cup per serving, although more is allowed, never exceeding the daily calorie limit. 1 fruit. 1 grissini or melba toast.
  • Dinner: Same options as lunch.

Check out our 500 Calorie Menu-Survival Guide, here.

Hcg food List clarification:

It is important to note that there are many modern variations of the phase 2 food list and there is no "wrong" protocol. The best approach, is what you and your doctor decide is right for you, based on your own needs and goals.

*Beverage Guidelines: These beverages are permitted in any amount. Diet Sodas are not recommended, particularly those with aspartame. The allotted milk may be cow, almond, or coconut. Soy is not recommended since many people have a food sensitivity to soy.

*Sweeteners Guidelines: No other sweeteners are permitted on the original protocol.

*Protein Guidelines:100 grams of the above listed proteins only, at both lunch and dinner.The 100 gram portions should be carefully weighed prior to cooking, and with all visible fat must be trimmed.

Dr. Simeons also states the proteins should be boiled or grilled, however modern diet experts agree all forms of preparation are acceptable (sauté, stewed, etc.) as long as additional fats are not used.

*Fruit Guidelines: No additional fruits are allowed.  1 Medium apple is the appropriate size. Read more here: Complete guide to eating fruit on the Hcg Diet.

*Vegetable guidelines: The original protocol does not permit mixing vegetables, and only 1 serving is allowed at a time. Some people choose to mix vegetables, while remaining within the daily calorie allowance. Complete guide to eating vegetables on the Hcg Diet.

*Breads/Grains Guidelines: 1 of each are allowed at lunch and dinner. Be sure to read labels when purchasing, since some brands now add excessive ingredients with high calorie results.

Additional Guidelines:  The official list of approved foods for Phase 2 of the Hcg Diet,  particularly meats and vegetables, does not include any sauces, salad dressing or butter.

You are encouraged not to use sauces such as barbecue sauce, A-1 Steak Sauce, etc., on meats nor salad dressings on salad greens, nor butter on vegetables.  The only exception to this would be homemade sauce recipes that include only Simeons-approved foods and ingredients.

The expanded food list

Is there are modern expanded food list of Hcg foods that will allow me to have more options? Yes, here is a widely accepted expanded list of foods with weights, portions and calories included.


The above food list is from the original HCG Diet 500 calorie diet, as published by Dr. Simeons manuscript, in Pounds and Inches.

What kinds of foods are allowed on most Hcg lists (original and modern variations)?

The 500 calorie menu was designed for "Phase 2" of the Hcg Diet plan; the weight loss phase. It includes a list of foods that are known as "whole foods."

These are unprocessed and in their natural state, largely focus on healthy proteins from lean meats, balanced with carbohydrates from vegetables and carefully selected fruit.

Is the Hcg Diet a low-carb or ketosis diet?

Only 2 options are available for grains, however most protocol variations are not to be confused with low carbohydrate, ketosis diets as they include a significant amount of carbohydrates from vegetables. It is not necessary to have your body in a state of ketosis, although some choose to combine an Hcg-Keto approach during Phase 2.

Should you and your doctor decide on a keto version of the Hcg Diet Plan, this can easily be achieved by removing the orange and grain options.

Which kinds of hcg-foods will allow me to lose the most weight?

Eating "clean" has been found to have excellent results. Organic foods are highly recommended, and no processed or prepared foods are allowed. There are additional eating tips and extensive clarification of the original protocol's eating rules here:

  • What else can you eat on the Hcg Diet? ALL Rules & Guidelines (A MUST READ!)

 Further reading:

  • Hcg Diet Phase 3 Food List
  • Hcg Diet Vegetables (Veg-eating survival guide)
  • Hcg Diet Fruits (Fruit-eating survival guide)
  • Vegetarian Hcg Diet Plan (Vegetarians, get happy!)
  • Hcg Diet Recipes
  • Hcg Diet Cooking Tips
  • The 500 Calorie Diet Menu Explained
  • Pounds and Inches Manuscript
  • Alllllll the food, recipe, cooking and eating articles we have…..

References & Fact Checks:

This list of Hcg foods & its guidelines are fact-checked and updated annually for accuracy.

  • DR. SIMEONS, (1954) Pounds and Inches: a new approach to obesity.
  • SIMEONS AT. The action of chorionic gonadotrophin in the obese.Lancet.1954 Nov 6;267(6845):946–947. [Google Scholar]
  • Chorionic Gonadotropin in Obesity: Further Clinical Observations, by HARRY A. GUSMAN, M.D.. Oxford Academic: The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
  • Vogt T, Belluscio D. Controversies in plastic surgery: suction-assisted lipectomy (SAL) and the hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) protocol for obesity treatment.

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Hello! I'm Jen, a naturopath, former nurse, & PhD. I have also personally lost 88 lbs with medical weight loss & kept it off for over 10 years. My journey has given me a passion for understanding health & weight loss from a holistic perspective.
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Hcg Diet Food List Phase 1
